
The Chemistry Department has scholarship funds available for four separate scholarships. The application deadline is by or before 5:00 p.m. on the first Friday in October. Award presentations are made at the annual Mole Day Picnic sponsored by the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society, on or about October 23.

Interested applicants should complete the application form, and provide a copy of their PAWS transcript (computer printout acceptable). For additional information, contact the Chemistry department, 460-6181.

Students should review the requirements for each scholarship carefully. Assuming the requirements are met, applicants will be considered for all eligible awards (determination made by Chemistry Scholarship Committee). The endowed scholarships are all one-time awards made annually, assuming the availability of funds exists. Students who are not awarded this year are encouraged to reapply the following year.

▼   Chemistry Department Scholarship

This scholarship is for Chemistry majors only. Awards will consist of $1,500 tuition credit to be distributed on an annual basis. The scholarship will support the award recipients through their fourth year as Chemistry majors, provided academic performance is maintained.

In order to qualify, students must:

  1. Be a Chemistry major beginning his or her sophomore year (post-CH 132) or junior year (post-CH 202), as determined by the Chemistry Department.
  2. Have a minimum GPA of 3.0, overall and in Chemistry.
  3. Be enrolled full-time, as determined by the University.
▼   Endowed Scholarship - Chemistry
This scholarship opportunity is renewable and for Chemistry majors only. Applicants must be a declared Chemistry major with an excellent academic record.
▼   T. G. Jackson Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is an annual award given in memory of long-time Chemistry professor, Dr. T.G. Jackson. Applicants must be declared Chemistry major, with preference given to Health Pre-professional students.
▼   Wierzbicki-Salter Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship opportunity is renewable and for Chemistry majors only. Applicants must be a declared Chemistry major with sophomore standing or higher with an excellent academic record.
▼   Wililams-Phillips-Van Hook Endowed Scholarship
This scholarship is renewable and for students in the College of Nursing or majoring in Chemistry who have completed or are currently enrolled in a Chemistry course. Students should have a minimum GPA of 2.0.