2016 NOYCE PTM Scholars


Stephanie Moye

Stephanie Moye

I am motivated to be the best teacher I can be. Through student engagement math can be not only accessible, but also fun. I have enjoyed every moment I have spent in schools thus far, and I believe my love of mathematics can inspire students to enjoy the discipline as well.

The real life application of mathematics is key to student understanding and the way in which they approach mathematics. Incorporating technology and manipulative into the daily classroom experience can turn students who have previously been reticent about math into those who look forward to experiencing it.


Min Zhu

Min Zhu

I want to be a teacher in a high need school. As the famous Chinese saying goes, "All students can succeed with a great teacher." I will be a strong, effective teacher for my future students. I love people--especially children--because they have so much potential to explore. I want to make a different with my knowledge, passion, and devotion.

I also think my global perspective is an asset to my future students, as well as my love for numbers and logic. Teaching mathematics will allow me to help build a solid math foundation for future engineers, scientists, and other STEM professionals.